It's an exciting yet unusual feeling seeing your brother after so long. The last few weeks with Helen's folks over have made me think of home more than usual. So the thought of Dan coming over is very comforting. Oddly when he arrived we had a big hug then suddenly it was like we hadn't been away that long at all and everything was back to normal, except for the small fact we were next to a world famous beach on the opposite side of the planet.

We crammed so much in over the next two weeks that between working, tour guiding and heavy boozing there was not much time for writing up the days events. So instead of waffling on, below are the edited highlights of the last fortnight. However if you do like a bit of waffle, help yourself to the next post on our trip to the red centre and Uluru.

Road trip with Dan

Whilst Dan was over I wanted to get him fully acquainted with Vanwell and give him a taste of life on the road. One morning I swung by their place on the beach, Dan jumped into the passenger seat and we headed off west out of the city. The plan was to fill the eskie with unusual Aussie beer and head towards Jenolan Caves hidden away in the Blue Mountains. 

After lunch in the village of Leura and an obligatory photo of the Three Sisters rock formation, we pulled up in the early evening, high up on a cliffside to make dinner. After deciding this was a pretty good spot to camp as we were miles from anywhere we cracked open the beers, listen to music and caught up on the last year. As more beers went down the volume went up. Good job there were no others on an adVANture near by. 

The following day we headed further into the mountains, slightly south via a saddlery / coffee shop. (Aussies love their coffee, even out here in the middle of nowhere). We pulled up for breakfast down a little overgrown track and were treated with a stunning countryside view to accompany our bacon sarnies. Unfortunately the gas ran out half way through, Dan kindly offered to supply some however it was not enough.

We made it to the caves around lunchtime. The main one was massive, so big in fact you could drive a van through it, so we did. Then spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the Imperial Cave which was full of interesting geology and an underground river. 

Music on full, we made our way back to the city to catch Fry and Helen for an evening beer in Bar 34 on Bondi. It has been more of a home to Dan and Fry than their apartment.